Wednesday 26 January 2011

A Touch Of Leopard

                  Cardigan: Zara. Jumper: Topshop. Scalf & Skirt: H&M. 
              Tights: New Look. Loafers: River Island

With all the cold weather we've been having, I was not afforded the opportunity to wear anything other than my Faux fur coat. However, as I sailed through the racks at Zara, I came across this very stylish cardigan(It even has armpads, how cool!)and so I had to could I not? It's rather warm too so I am able to brave the cold weather in style. 

I am a self-confessed leopard lover, anything leopard deserves a home in my closet. I have wanted loafers for ages; sadly, when I went to purchase the ones I had my eye on from the good old Topshop, they smacked me in the face with the offending line: 'Sorry, we are not stocking them at the mo'...Can you imagine the dissapointment?

But,I was about to realise my dissapointment would only last a mere two weeks or so. I was about to learn that Topshop were not the only store which stocked amazing loafers; as I paraded River Island on my Uni lunch break with two of my girlfriends, I immediately noticed these gorgeous Leopord loafers pleasantly on show in the shoe department...Jackpot. I'm finding it hard to imagine wearing any other footwear from now on...It also helps that compared to my 5 inch heels these are like slippers!

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