Sunday 30 January 2011

A Few Luscious Buys

I love this little cute. I purchased this beauty from Zara and I am dying to wear it. I lured the shops for a pretty and edgy skirt; this skirt right here adornes these two things exceptionally well. I am turned on by the fact this Zara beauty can be either dressed up or dressed down. I'll be sure to leave some heads turning, and if that wasn't enough, I will probably earn centre stage to the envious eyes of female fury.
So when men shop they often know what they want; in most cases they over analyse what they need, (gold stars for them) and will always buy an item in abundance to an outfit they have already planned. In a women's case however, or should I say in my case, I buy items of clothes that I like the look of; so when I noticed this nude, delicate blouse, my ego ordered me to buy I pretty and graceful...I'll be sure to create a catwalk phenomenon with this one.
The little leather hot pants that sit proudly above this text is what we call fierce my lovelies. I brought them to wear on a night out with the girlfriends. Love, love, love them. They fit so well, very fitted. They are leather and they are hot pants, what else does a girl need eh? or in other words, what else does a guy need? they take one look at a girl in these and they fall smack on the floor with an erection.
Leopard, most sought after pattern in the world. So, the blouse is leopard and elegant, what else do I need to say? Zara, you really do me proud=]
This dress is so me...a pretty chic casual number that can be dressed up with some killer heels. The suede brown belt adds colour and flamboyance to a plain, yet flattering dress like this one. From the moment I laid my eyes on the beauty, I picked it up, put it in my 'keeper' pile and continued to shop.
mmm, gorgeous right? This burlesque number injects colour and vibrance to my already proud wardrobe. It will be worn on a night out where to my dismay, I will have to battle with the drooling mouths of men up in my grill(haha) seriously is a beautiful thing. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, you turn the bralet around, only to find it has a criss cross back design...River Island you never fail to salvage my taste buds.
    Skirt, nude blouse, leopard print blouse & dress: Zara. Leather shorts & bralet: River Island.
    Until next time my beauties. Muah x

Wednesday 26 January 2011

A Touch Of Leopard

                  Cardigan: Zara. Jumper: Topshop. Scalf & Skirt: H&M. 
              Tights: New Look. Loafers: River Island

With all the cold weather we've been having, I was not afforded the opportunity to wear anything other than my Faux fur coat. However, as I sailed through the racks at Zara, I came across this very stylish cardigan(It even has armpads, how cool!)and so I had to could I not? It's rather warm too so I am able to brave the cold weather in style. 

I am a self-confessed leopard lover, anything leopard deserves a home in my closet. I have wanted loafers for ages; sadly, when I went to purchase the ones I had my eye on from the good old Topshop, they smacked me in the face with the offending line: 'Sorry, we are not stocking them at the mo'...Can you imagine the dissapointment?

But,I was about to realise my dissapointment would only last a mere two weeks or so. I was about to learn that Topshop were not the only store which stocked amazing loafers; as I paraded River Island on my Uni lunch break with two of my girlfriends, I immediately noticed these gorgeous Leopord loafers pleasantly on show in the shoe department...Jackpot. I'm finding it hard to imagine wearing any other footwear from now on...It also helps that compared to my 5 inch heels these are like slippers!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Girly Flat

Signing the deal

Its official, my wonderful girlies and I have got us a flat…

So the girls had a house viewing a few days ago; unfortunately I was unable to make it due to work commitments. As devastated as I was, my girlies promised me not to worry my little socks off; there would be another opportunity to see what Southampton pads had to offer us

So yesterday, along with the girls, I viewed the flat we had our hearts set on...Yes, even me; though I hadn't actually seen the flat yet, it sounded amazing, and so it was...I fell in love for the first time...A guy with a bow and arrow must of stitched me up or something...what can I say I was smitten (or maybe it was lust...who cares), all I know is it felt fricking fatastic).
We have a cute kitchen (I assume very little cooking will be done anyways; though, we will try), a cute living room and a m-a-s-s-i-v-e bedroom...Yes! There were no picking straws out of a hat, or flipping a coin; we all acted as we responsible adults and close pals. The girls know how much I love my space, they know about my frantic obsession with fashion and my desires to have my room resemble a fashion studio with a massive closet, (something like the closet Big built for Carey in SATC), so they respected my wishes of having the bigger room.  I honestly couldn’t have a better bunch of girls to live with, my girls are great and we have loads in common; we are all journalism students, we love shopping, absolutely mental about fashion and we all fancy shaking a leg or two on a Saturday night, to name a few.
Finally, I no longer have to sleep on a single bed in the stingy rooms Halls of Residence transpired on my first move in. It’s all about a queen size bed, a wall length closet, a blown – up picture of Marilyn Monroe above my bed head and the fabulous dressing table, with a display of Vogue magazines on my side wall and a body – length mirror, exercise bike, manikins with a mock-up of designs from my favourite designers...I could go on forever, but I won’t. Please do come and visit at the prospect of a delightful stay! 

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Fashionable Education

This is me in my magazine design class today (notice Alex in the background looking rather zoned, ha ha).

Uni has so far been a beauty. I have recently started my second semester and I’m bursting with so much adrenaline and strive; it’s a great feeling. My ambitions are bigger than big and my motivation is a beacon for my success within the exciting world of fashion.

  My first semester implicated a 3 hour Mac computer session (eek). As a budding fashion journalist, it is only a matter of time before the Mac computer becomes my baby anyway; an Apple Mac book is soon to be mine and when it is, ill treat it as my baby; as if I have just given birth to a girl and she needs all my divided attention. I’ll wake her up in the morning so I can write, interact with her in the afternoon when writing a beauty or fashion column for say, Company magazine(oh, exciting) and I’ll put her to sleep at around 3am after hours of drooling over the computer screen at the joys of my latest novel.

Writing about fashion and beauty is something which will be a huge aspect of my future career. If your passionate about fashion or maybe even another subject, you have to be fully driven. There are so many girls who want to get into the industry, so many budding journalists hoping for their big break. What is going to make you stand out of the crowd, huh?

Ok, so we all know the fashion industry can be bitchy and catty and everything else, but who’d have thought a bunch of undergraduate writing fashion students could give you the evils as if they’d already organised the editorial for Paris couture. It’s not that I’m naïve, in fact there’s no naivety in it, but as I sat in the lecture room, the eyes that pondered among me were just evil, evil, and evil. If looks could kill(damn).

I suppose all you can do is focus on you, get your foot in the right door and ignore the negative energy!

Saturday 15 January 2011

London Life

Faux Faur Coat: Matalan Black dress: Oasis Bag: Topshop

(Picture taken outside the workplace(Peter Jones) with two of my girl pals, Ayan and Nishma. I had to bring the faux with me to work...Wink, Wink)

So for those of you that don't already know, my entire time spent in London is done so working. My part-time job as a Fashion sales assistant has ruled my weekend for about a decade or two; im what they call a weekend workaholic. No actually, a 7 day a week workoholic.

When im not pussy footing about the shop floor with 3 pairs of Louboutins in one hand, 3 Mulberry bags in the other and the signature reciept between my teeth because I simply haven't any hands left, while the customer behind me demands another Bertie shoe, I construct my time writing essay after essay, assignment after assignment; night after night I slave away at the computer screen, proof-reading layers of 2000 word essays that aren't due for a good month or two, sometimes even three. YES! I think I forgot that tiny little detail, im abit OCD when it comes to uni work (embarrased face).

When I say I live and breathe fashion, I'm not telling porkies; when i'm not shopping or styling, I write about it. A true fashionista at heart; I was shocked when my mum told me my first words were 'daddy' and not 'fashion,' it just doesn't make any sense. I thought i'd be fighting with the umbilical cord, requesting to write a review on Marc Jacobs sultry spring collection. 'Hello mother reporting from Bellyville, I no longer belong here, Fashion Week needs me to come a little earlier than the arranged due date, Helloooooo'

Fighting to open a Frutella packet(got a bit of a sweet fetish only two minutes into the shopping trip)


Yes I do food shopping, No i'm not kidding! So when i'm not doing the millions of other things I do, I save myself an hour or so to nab some groceries.

Well I have to confess that after an hours worth spent in ASDA yesterday, I had so far brought everything but food. Instead I decided to grab the latest copy of Company magazine and More! magazine(Heaven!...I found myself in happinessssss with you...♫ )

And for the book I've wanted since I read the latest issue of Glamour, The one before the one by Katy Regan...When I saw it glowing, shining above the Xbox games and the Mario wheelcar racing game that sat on the ASDA shelf right above, I knew I'd found the one. Sadly, I haven't started reading it as of yet, (well it's only been a day...allow me to refrain from my hypochondriac ways...)But what I do know is that when I treat my eyes to the very first page of the novel, I won't be able to get enough...

On to the more important side of things, i.e, pulling the best work outfit that works for you. Now I know i've got my work swagger in full swing, but have you? Here are the must-haves for a typical day at the office!

                        The pencil skirt

Looooove pencil skirts, they are easily flattering to every body shape;(Whoever said you had to be an hourglass shape to pull this one off was an hourglass shape...liars, cough cough) they instantly trim the waist and elongate the legs, so your pins are likely to cause a few mouths to drop (in a good way) you can't go wrong with this one. This little number is from


Alternatively, you can rock the little black dress; works every time. The LBD is not only for a night out on the town, but suitable office wear. Yet again, we can rely on the beautiful to get our mits on this chic number.

The antique blouse
This can be worn with a black pencil skirt to add a 50s siluoette to a simple work outfit. It brightens up the traditions of a black outfit and has the ability to make office wear look effortlessly chic. This gorgeous blouse is from Topshop.

Statement black bag
 You can't go wrong with a black bag for work; practical and stylish.
This beauty is an Aspinal Bag(ahhh lusting again)... It screams elegance, sophistication and is probably the most extravagant simple bag out there...This beautiful luggage material is also available with a silver, we have the choice of gold or silver...even better.

15 Denier tights

I am a big fan of the John Lewis bodyshaper glossy tights(not only because I work for the partnership) because they are extremely good quality, they don't ladder easily; they feel smooth and are undoubtedly flattering to the female pins.

Charlotte Olympia

Maybe i'm just a bit too Devil Wears Prada, but I would sooo wear these to the office. Who gives a donkeys poo if their 5 inches...that only means your 5 inches taller, and 5 inches ahead of your game ;)
If your anything like me, you would wear these beauties with pride. As you would have seen from my last post, Olympia is going to be so so hot this spring/summer, and what better way to wear them than to the office. When I get my foot in the door of Vogue offices and land a killer magazine internship(and I will very, very soon), I'll be standing tall, even taller than my staggering height of 5'10. Shoes will be shoes, forget practicality! Where's the fun in that.

Now it's really time for work my beauties =]

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Spring/Summer 11

Having managed to dedicate several days to studying the Fashion Bible or should I say the fabulous British Vogue, I have updated myself with all the coming trends for this Spring/summer. However, In as much as i'd like to attend one of these fabulous fashion shows, I haven't yet had the chance. Still,i've made a solomn promise to myself that I will  make an appearance at one of these extravagansas, between now and this time next year. Needless to say, once i've managed to get an actual feel for what a show actually entails, attending a viewing for Galiano's latest collection, Paris Couture and fashion shows per se will be something I vow to do sporadically. Take a look at a few of the trends which will be hot this coming spring/summer.
What's your take on the new trends? 

Nude Study 
Nudes and fleshtones present an elegant alternative to this season's rainbow brights

figure-hugging fabrics in the softest, second-skin shades present an elegant alternative to this season's rainbow brights.

High Street Nude



Nude Study is one of the trends I am dying to rock this spring/summer. My own personal style can be described as sophisticated chic, so the Victoria Beckham inspired dress from is what i'll be flauting my pins in come spring 2011. Plus, the price tag on the VB inspired number is a milestone away from that of the Versace dress. It's a winner if you ask me...
But does it float your boat? 

Don't shy away from a sparkle-more is so much more. Adorn every inch of your new-season wardrobe

Classic Skull ring gold £150

It would be a dream to own such a ravishing masterpiece. The ring is uber glam, uber embellishment, uber fashion. Loooooooooooooooove it to tiny little pieces. I could just sit here and drown my sorrows at the thought of never being able to afford this skull sensation...sob. However, being the fashion forensic that I am, I have spent all night long online shopping to come across a few jewellery pieces which could set you up for this coming season. Although there is no denying that nothing can touch the Mcqueen beauty that sits right above this text, the low price tags that acompany the high-street equivalents your about to witness could just be the thing that ensures you dry your eyes, wipe your tears, look beyond the divine architect of this stunning skull ring and eventually settle for a high street bargain.

High Street Embellishment

Branch Crawl ring £10 
I ordered this ring online yesterday. I can't wait for it to arrive. Im purchasing many of next season's trends from now so that when Spring hits us, I won't have to wait a day to flaunt my on-trend bargains. This Branch Claw Ring is one of the many clever designs that Topshop has to offer us for the embellishment trend this spring/summer. It is what a girl buys when she can't afford to withdraw £150 for a statement ring. Above all else, it carries a much leaner price tag of £10, you can't say fairer than that...That's a treadmill away from the Alexander Mcqueen beauty.


ooh, dying for a pair of these beauties. Who else is with me on this one ?
Victoria Beckham Bags

ooh yes...
X- rated

The trend that has got me talking...Should I bare all?

All of the above trends represent spring/summer 11 season. They have the approval of VOGUE, Valentino, Anna Wintour..Yes that's right, Anna Wintour; so guys it's time to embrace them and get shopping.