Saturday 5 February 2011

A Review on the latest buys

A little rant...I promise a pleasurable read <3

Henry Holland for Pretty Polly Super Suspender Tights

These tights look absolutely amazing on; not a pinch of denial in that respect. However the top of the tights are extremely delicate and so I have managed to ladder 3 pairs in the past week. The problem is they are made for going least I would imagine so. I dream to think of the baffled fool who would wear these as pyjamas and watch a depressing yet touching Titanic movie while ripping away at these beauties for utter pleasure(you'd have to be a complete fashion mop head...lets be honest).

I have worn these to three separate occasions, each time feeling uber fabulous, I just wish they wouldn't rip so £12 a pair there not exactly cheap are they? So Henry Holland, please warm our hearts with a more adverse and good quality pair so that drunkard nights and bending down to pick up the coin you 'accidently' dropped in front of the gorgeous bloke with the deep blue eyes won't cost you a hot spanking pair of deluxe, burlesque hosieries. Anyway which fashionable lady wants to give up a pair of tights as beautiful as these at the expense of man...huh? I don't hear any takers.

 Regardless, I’m sure I’ll be heading to the reliable River Island tomorrow to pick up another two pairs...What can I say, these beauties have damaged my Id and fashion fixed my Ego.

River Island Suede Ankle Boot 
As gorgeous and stunning as these suede ankle boots are, they are disastrously painful. I have to admit that I have braved an entire night of clubbing in these heels but woke up with everything from blisters to a mentally broken pair of feet. When I first tried them on in River Island, they were probably excruciatingly painful, but I was too hypnotized by their eloquence and sheer practicality.

An Irish lad served me...maybe that added to my foolish purchase...ha-ha. Ahh that accent could make my heart melt, there he was, standing there...with the left foot in his hand, while I foolishly admired the right foot that was burning off the bear soles of my feet...I must pay him a visit someday....hmm...Sorry back to the fabulous face-value ankle boot placed so guilty above this text.

If ever there was a sentence for 'painful shoes,' I would step up to the jury plate and persuade life imprisonment. I'm sorry River Island, I'm sorry ankle boot, but I want to be able to pull in these. How am I able to bag a hot fella (that's not always my agenda…promise) or dance to dub step with the girlies without a pair of worthy feet. However, when it comes to looking good and fashion, I am usually very apprehensive to go through pain. And that's why, I'll be wearing these River Island beauties to a friends 21st bash tonight...ha-ha. I should be sentenced for hypocrisy (joke...)

Dorothy Perkins Wedges
Unlike my last review, I have nothing bad to say about these s-w-e-e-t DP wedges that sit comfortably above this text. When I first wore them, they were a little painful but that was only because they needed to be worn a little. They are gorgeous and comfortable. You would have seen me wearing these in a few of my previous posts; they are my medal for these my lovelies.

These wonderful wedges (and they really are just wonderful) can be worn casually and you can dress them up for a night out on the town. They are very high too, no less than 4 inches so it's nice to know you can be a supermodel for the day without being reduced to blisters and corns (yuk, I want to puke. But I won't) A Trophy should be given to Dorothy Perkins. Seriously guys, bag your wedges from DP and you will be in the same ravishing predicament as me...Take a little pain for the first day or two and then chant away in the most practical, yet amazing looking, kind wedges...

Until next time my beauties Muah x

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