Saturday 20 August 2011

So what if your a wag?

The revolutionary war saw many women enter the workplace. This revolution saw the birth of the career women; the young girls desperately seeking independence and ready to fly the nest which had previously subdued them.

The housewife role was in decline and the female breadwinner epidemic had plummeted fourfold. It took masses of time for us women to gain such respect and responsibility.

From the blissful chants of the suffragists to the inhuman, abusive behaviour of the suffragettes, fighting for women's rights proved a difficult and disastrous time. We were subordinated by the men of our society and probed towards mundane duties i.e. cooking, cleaning and motherhood.

You would have thought that after all the misery and endless yearns for equality women voiced for so many years, we'd be doing anything and everything in our power to highlight our capabilities. Yet it seems, the WAG's of today are making a mockery out of our hard earned respect.

Wags like, Abbey Clancy and Alex Gerrard are teaching girls how to live off their husbands and subordinate themselves in the same way that pre-revolution set out for us to do so many years ago. 

Marrying a footballer and having his babies is idolised by the media as being the best way to step up the career ladder. 

Over the years, we have witnessed the female subordinates who think that their wag status elevates them to a higher realm on the wealth hierarchy, when all it is doing is demolorising them and chipping away at the stepping stones toward female equality, we built over a decade ago. It's ludicrous.

These days, you become a wag and BOOM, your perfume is flying off the shelves of every major retailer, you've created your own fashion line and your now on the campaigns of every major beauty chain in the world. 

It's at this point in life when we have to ask ourselves; is this really what we fought for those many years ago?
By conforming to this way of life, aren't we just allowing ourselves to take back seat and let the men take centrefold?

Where have all our ambitious women gone? Where are our passionate equal right women? where have they gone? Are we going to allow these fame hungry goldiggers to set us back, when we have achieved so much already? 

I for one, am not going to sit back and let my kids be brainwashed by the shallow, peanut-brained women of our society. 

Let us bring back the women who crave the careers. Support each others ambitions and remain the proud professionals that so many of us women are today. In a world which is always due to dominate the men and subordinate the women, us girls really have to stick together!

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