Monday 7 March 2011

Street Style 1

These two girls were snapped on my way to uni. The stylish two-some are immensely stylish. what is even more striking is how different but very similar these two looks are. They contrast in the sense that Lizzy (right) creates an undertone feel, a more understated look which pervails effortless style, while  Charlotte(Right) has a similar look, only hers has a stronger feel to it; it's more of a statement look and has a bold embrace to it. 

Both girls appear to have quite an edgy style - almost rocker-chick if you like. Their attention to detail is what allows their looks to come off so polished. Lizzy's, fiery red hair for instance, compliments her luggage material, as does her tiger print cool tee. The 10 denier tights and black boots ensures that there is nothing to take away from her strking hair colour and upper body attire. Might I add that her choice of hair colour is a compliment to her rosy, slightly paler skin tone.

Charlotte's satchel is uber stylish, ever since Alexa Chung put her fashion stamp in the world of mulberry, and bacame an inspiration to their satchel designed primitive bags. Her satchel trademark worked wonders. Who knows? Charlotte might be next. Green and brown is always a good match, and the velvet leggings are oh-so-cool. The slighly beige wedges brighten up the darker tones to the outfit and sit well with the sunny weather conditions. I'm loving her burgundy hair too.

In the eyes of a budding fashionista, this is street syle at its best. Look forward to several more style posts in the future.

Thanks for reading my beauties.
Sakaynah x

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