Saturday 7 January 2012

For my Fashion and Styling module at university, I had to produce a fashion story of 6 final images, accompanied by a header and stand first. The intention was to aim my story at a publication of my choice. With a Teen Vogue target audience in mind, these were some of the images from my safari themed fashion shoot.


‘A Nubian Princess Swarms on the Safari’

Stand first

This season is a girl’s journey to the coast of Africa. Armed in safari style – think earthy hues, ivory, animal prints, silk and lace. She’s undeniably chic in the wild outdoors. Live your fashion fantasy.


                                                    Photography and styling by me 

The reason for my choice of publication and how I feel the theme and style of fashion story will be right for the readership

Teen Vogue was my choice of publication as I felt it suited a younger vogue audience. My story is aimed at fashionable young girls, or those aspiring to become fashionable. My fashion story is about a young women who journeys to the coast of Africa in search of her ancestral homeland; on the way she finds the princess lying within her and begins to channel this into her chic, soft admirable beauty. Her outfits become a costume of her roots. Her dress is a result of oriental inspiration. I feel her appearance will Influence a young fashionable audience of teenage girls.

Please feel free to comment beauties

Sakaynah x

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