Thursday 8 September 2011

Would you go under the knife?

As I stand in the mirror, and peer an eye at my assets, I begin to focus on all my body hang-up's. Who doesn't? unless of course, your Beyonce or Kim Kardashian.

They say confidence grows with age, only the vast majority of us girls couldn't disagree more with this supposed statistic.

I woke up yesterday to find a humungous spot in the centre of my forehead. It couldn't have come at a better time - I only had a magazine launch party to attend that afternoon. What a detriment this spot would be to my outfit; everyone staring directly at this large pink circle above my eyes, as it isn't exactly easy to avoid. Even if they were polite and decided to stare from the corner of their eyes, it would be an embarrassment, I thought. 

But I swallowed my pride and attended the shin dig - the reaction to my zit wasn't half bad. But it didn't change the way I felt about it; Maybe a bit of Botox wouldn't go a miss? 

It seems that with age, comes acne, stress spots and cellulite. So I find it obscene than we are meant to count our lucky stars for a whirlwind of middle-aged confidence.

The average women spends countless hours in front of the mirror finding faults with her appearance. Many of us can spot a growth spur of cellulite in a matter of milliseconds. It is for this reason that women had 90% of all cosmetic procedures in 2010, with breast argumentation up by 10.3% 

Women are know longer wanting to spend years loathing their bodies, (and why should they?) instead they are saving up to correct their body mishaps before low-self esteem drags them into serial depression. All due respect to them. These women have guts and a few of us should try growing some. 

In this modern day, we shouldn't be looking down our noses at those who decide to go under the knife. When you come to think of it, those that do are probably doing what we don't have the balls to do. 

So what I ask is this: would you go under the knife if you had the bank account of Angelina Jolie? This is the question I have been asking the majority of my girlfriends lately. 

If buying a boob job was like buying a cube of cheese, would you pay that sum of money to prevent gravity from having it's way with your boobs? I know I sure would. 

The point i'm trying to make is this: Why not do what makes you happy? Instead of worrying about what the world regards as taboo, do what is right for you. If you desire a nip tuck; if you can afford the surgery, and as long as you research the procedure and the risks, Why shouldn't you go under the knife?

Would you go under the knife? 

Sakaynah x