Saturday 9 April 2011

Beauty Secret

Rimmel soft Kohl eyeliner

There is an easy and inexpensive way to brighten your eyes. The Rimmel white soft Kohl eye pencil is the perfect medicine for smiley, accentuated and bigger eyes. The beauty method works by applying the white kohl pencil to the inner rim of your eyes which results in a defined and dramatic look, especially on darker skin.

Sleek face contour kit

It seems there is a way to achieve defined supermodel cheek bones without surgery. The sleek contour kit comes with a pressed powder and highlighter all in one. When applied, the make - up gives the illusion of more defined cheekbones and an all-in-all air-brushed look. If you prefer the natural look, wear a nude shade lipstick and go for natural eye - make-up. I wear mines with the nude Fashion Fair Lip teaser for a more laid back look. Alternatively, I team the contour kit with my trusty Mac violet lipstick for a party look.

Time to head down to your beauty store and purchase a kit yourself. I can almost guarantee you will adopt a contour addiction!

Sakaynah x